Scotia Moulds

Scotia Moulding

The most popular scotia size we make is a 15mm x 15mm & 19mm x 19mm.


Scotia moulds are used around the walls to hide the gap along the wall so the floating floor can expand freely. Floating floors expand & contract with due to humidity & moisture.

If proper gaping is not left on the sides of the floor, the floor can pop up from the centre of the floor because it has no where to expand, 


15mm Scotia is mostly used for Hybrid Vinyl because the gap needed around the room is much smaller than a Timber or a Laminate floor might need, Vinyl would need 2- 5mm gap, where a 19mm would mostly be used for Timber & Lamanite floor and would need a 10mm – 12mm gap.


Paramount uses Australian Tassie Oak does not warp or expand it is perfect to use in moisture prone areas. When finished  it guarantees a lasting product for years to come.


Paramount timber mouldings are customised to suit many colours of Timber species, Laminate & Hybrid Vinyl flooring.